Digiday welcomes Kerry Flynn as reporter

The coming year is shaping up to be a period of more turmoil and change for marketers and agencies. Platforms keep changing the rules about how companies can use them to reach users. Marketers are finally asking tough questions about how their ad dollars are being spent. Brands and agencies are starting to own up to ugly truths about their internal culture. GDPR and platform crises are forcing companies to reckon with the question of who owns consumer data and how it should be used. There’s all that to cover and more.
We’re happy to announce that Kerry Flynn will join us as a reporter April 16 to help bolster our coverage in these areas. Kerry comes from Mashable, where she was a business reporter covering the business of tech giants and Silicon Valley culture. She’s reported on the people selling Instagram verification, influencers abandoning Twitter’s Periscope and Snapchat fudging its user numbers. Before that she was a tech reporter for International Business Times. She’s also written for The Huffington Post, Forbes and Money magazine. Follow her @kerrymflynn.
Here’s how Kerry is thinking about her new role:
“Advertisers, like all of us, like to complain, but in 2018, their stances against the social platforms are getting more mainstream attention and support. Facebook doesn’t share enough data, they said. Now, a data privacy scandal has stripped $100 billion from the company’s market cap, and Zuckerberg is headed to Washington. And yet, Facebook still dominates digital advertisers’ budgets and conversations inside agencies. I’m looking forward to joining Digiday to explore how the social landscape will change. Are there alternatives for brands? What’s the future of Snapchat? What’s the next Snapchat?”
Welcome, Kerry.