Digiday welcomes new team members Alexis, Amy and Julia

The Digiday team is pleased to welcome three new members. Alexis Ringmaiden-Henry joins us as our new staff accountant, Amy Taylor joins the awards team as the awards manager and Julia Tabisz joins us as our deputy managing editor for Digiday.
Alexis Ringmaiden-Henry is joining our finance team to be a valuable asset to assist in various accounting and finance-related functions. Some fun facts about Alexis are that she loves all things beauty and on her bucket list is to travel to Rome and Egypt.
Amy Taylor is the newest member of our awards team and will help across all our brands as we continue to grow. Amy has a background in UX and project management and has many talents that will help us in our awards-related goals. Amy is based out of Austin, TX, and has three adorable dogs.
Julia Tabisz joins us from SmartBrief and will be spearheading editorial’s Digiday+ research along with helping to improve our Digiday newsletters. Fun facts about Julia include that she’s been a competitive Irish dancer since the age of five and plans to one day travel across the country with her husband and kids.
Welcome Alexis, Amy and Julia, we’re excited to have you on the team.