Digiday welcomes Sara Jerde as managing editor

We’re excited to announce the newest edition to our editorial team, Sara Jerde. Joining us as managing editor, Sara will put her previous experience at Adweek, The Star-Ledger and Talking Points Memo to use as an insightful reporter, editor and moderator for Digiday. Sara will also be working very closely on continuing to improve our newsletters and events.
Having previously worked with Sara at Adweek, Digiday editor-in-chief, Jim Cooper said, “I have always been impressed with her steady, calm and collaborative presence that’s paired with a pretty ferocious work ethic. I’m confident she will be a great cultural fit as we expand and move forward into the coming year.”
Most recently Sara served as Adweek’s publishing editor, where she covered traditional and digital publishers’ business models. She also oversaw political coverage ahead of the 2020 election. We’re pleased to have Sara joining us and look forward to her contributions and the changes she’ll help us achieve in the new year.